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Funeral Directors

Network - Funeral Directors and Funeral Arrangers (Leicester)


Advice and support is always at hand. If you are arranging a funeral as a member of the public entirely without a Funeral Director or Funeral Arranger please feel free to contact us for any advice or guidance.  We do however advise, in your best interest, that you appoint an experienced Funeral Director or Funeral Arranger to make the arrangements. Not being familiar with the process or lack of experience may cause difficulties, leading to unnecessary delays in the funeral taking place.


There are links to local Funeral Directors and Funeral Arrangers below should you wish to contact one directly for any assistance.


Note: Crescent Funerals Ltd is entirely independent and has no affiliation to any specific organisation. The contact names, numbers, and links provided below are purely for bereaved family members seeking to contact a local Funeral Director or Arranger for the purposes of acquiring funeral services.  




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Darus Salaam Masjid

Moj Bashir

07803 004525

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The Islamic Centre

Salahuddin Chughtai

07710 458526



Islamic Dawah Academy

Maulana Dawood

07803 004525


Jame Masjid Welfare Trust

Inayat Patel

07538 476576


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Masjid Umar

Gulam Hussein

07774 161800

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Arif Kassam

07983 520860​

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Zubeir Hassam

07879 610649



Riyadh Funerals

Salahuddin Chughtai

07710 458526


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Masjid Muhammad S.A.W

Zakaria Mohomed

07707 753378


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Cutchi Sunni Muslim


Abdul Aziz Moti

07860 831933


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Baitul Mukarram


Abdul Khayam

07711 987684


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Sonde Hussein

07931 768067


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Zubeir Hassam

07879 610649


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Islah Trust

Sajeed Hassan

07894 712956


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Tazhiso Tadfin

Abdul Latif Bhikha

07973 759631

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Dawoodi Bohra Jamat

Jafer Kapasi

07967 639534

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Belgrave Muslim

Welfare Association

Khalid Jamal

07754 980573

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The Khalifa Muslim Society

Gulam Hussein

07774 161800

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Masjid An Noor

Maulana Yasin

07889 138805

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07882 027604


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The Peace Centre

Mohammed Lokhat

07999 271536


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Al Ehsan Academy

Mufti Shah H Karim

07883 444892


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Hamidiye Mosque

Suleyman Tunali

07944 680323


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Masjid Al Falah

Abdul K Gheewala

07974 565616


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Masjid Fatima Zahra

Mohammed S Diwan

07933 172618

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Masjid Abu Hurairah

Maulana Adam Valli

07570 960057

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Masjid Salahuddin


07803 548513


Memon Association

Sikander Sattar

07762 786786


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Adam Sabat

07801 101786


Masjid Taybah

Arif Olla

0116 273 006


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Community Asc

Jahid Patel


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VDK Group

Asif Bhika

07740 716473

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